
Free Listing Form

Please submit your agency details to get listed at the bottom (Free Listings) section of 1 city directory for 1 year.
Your agency will get listed in 48 hours and you will receive a reminder email before the expiration of your free listing period.


FAQ Frequently asked questions

Got a question in mind? The answer might be closer than you think! Check out the following
Frequently Asked Questions about DAN Institute, its member evaluation criteria and its services.

Once we receive a company detail through the membership form, our team will evaluate your applications gets back to you in 48 hours. If your brand matches our membership criteria, we will create course or resource listings you want by considering your membership plan.
Members need to demonstrate the following on their website to qualify for a DAN Institute membership:

- LinkedIn page
- Clear contact details (e.g open address, email, phone number)
- High-quality online courses or online resources
- Detail page about the courses or resources they want to list
- Student testimonials or clients worked with
We offer paid advertising options to paid members only, thus any potential member should sign up for paid membership to book ads on DAN Institute.

The ad options such as featured course or resource placements on top of the directories and the courses or resources of the month placements are paid ad slots that are not included in any DAN Institute membership packages.

Featured Sections and courses or resources of the month ads are reserved on monthly basis and stay online for the reserved month. Other advertising options stay online for the lifespan of the related page. For more details please contact us at institute@danglobal.com.
DAN Institute members' courses or resources get listed in our directories in random order under the related section. The random order changes every time the page is loaded, so all listed courses and resources can share the traffic equally.

New Members

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