The Benefits of E-books in Online Education
An e-book is a digital version of a regular print book that can be read on a computer or through an e-book reader. To begin, e-books are electronic books that can be read on a tablet, smartphone, computer, or another digital device. Users can also buy an e-book on a diskette or CD, but the most common option is to buy a digital version of the e-book from a website, which can then be read on the user’s computer or reading device. There are several benefits of e-books that make them so popular and convenient for both students and professors alike.
For students, purchasing and downloading e-books is now straightforward, thanks to the internet connection. There are countless benefits of eBooks. In truth, it’s the same as purchasing any other item or a printed book from a store. You can purchase your appropriate e-book by paying online, after which you will be able to download a single page or the entire book rather than going to a shop and buying the same.
A table of contents, numbered pages, photographs, and graphics can all be found in an e-book, just like they would in a traditional printed textbook. For people who don’t have the time to attend a traditional classroom, the online or distant learning environment is currently a very popular and well-liked option. E-books are quite popular among students in our technological era, and they have made online learning even more exciting, convenient, and economical.
What are the Benefits of e-books?
Students must be actively participating in the learning process for a learning style to be effective. With the introduction of e-books to the classroom, students can learn more efficiently and effectively. Take a look at some of the most notable benefits of e-books:
An e-book is lightweight and portable. An e-book-enabled mobile device is much more convenient to bring with you than a whole bag of books. Almost all 97% of young people utilize electronic gadgets such as computers, tablets, phones, and e-readers. Students can review their notes and course materials whenever they choose thanks to the portability of an e-book. Students may now have everything in one spot rather than carrying many volumes.
Saves Space
Another benefit of e-books is that they take up less space. Students do not require a specific storage place, such as a large library or a specific room. To save hundreds of thousands of e-books, all you need is a technology-based reading device, such as a PC, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Furthermore, e-books are safer to store on mobile devices, and kids may quickly transport them from home to school.
Easy Availability
You can download your essential e-books almost instantly, and you can start reading them within minutes. Students no longer have to go somewhere else to get a book physically, nor do they have to wait for them for prolonged periods. Instead of lugging many volumes, e-books allow students to easily access their notes and course materials whenever they choose. You can choose from a variety of books in Dan’s global e-book collection to meet your requirement.
Use of Augmented Reality
As a result of augmented reality (AR), students can learn in an immersive environment and it is an added benefit of reading e-books. All you need is an AR app-enabled smartphone to turn any ordinary image into an improved 3D image that students can view from all angles. All you need is an AR app-enabled device to point at the image or item, and a computer-generated visual appears on their screen. The increased graphics provided by the 3D image make learning more engaging. To improve user experience, several educational institutions and organizations are incorporating this technology into their e-books.
Assessment Made Easy
Students can test their knowledge with self-assessments included in e-books. It does away with the customary method of ending each chapter with a quiz. To ensure that students recall the information they are reading, e-books include quizzes and exercises throughout the chapter as well as after the chapter closes.
It aids in determining whether the pupil has fully grasped the principles. Instant results are possible with e-book assessments, allowing students to see their test results right away. The teacher, in addition to the pupils, has access to the test results and can provide rapid comments. This benefit of an e-book is increasingly popular among today’s teaching styles.
Saves Environment
In university lectures and libraries, e-books and e-readers may provide significant cost savings. This could assist the educational system in reducing the amount of money spent on hard copies of texts and other materials. When it comes to sustainability, E-books may save a lot of money, and more students are declaring that using paper is a selfish act for the earth.
Approximately 24 trees are cut down to make 1 ton of standard quality paper. Add in the costs of shipping and paper production, as well as the carbon imprint it leaves behind. If you switch to e-books, you can prevent all of this. This is also why, in education, e-books may be the ideal substitute for traditional printed books.
Search Option
This value alone is a benefit of e-books, the preferred option for many students. When it comes to studying and completing assignments, e-books’ functionality makes them highly useful. Plus, just like in a typical textbook, you may bookmark pages and take notes. The search function saves time by eliminating the need to turn pages after pages to find a specific topic or word. They can save pages and chapters as bookmarks. They can rapidly look up the definitions of terms using the online dictionary. For example, Snappywords offers a quick and easy way to understand unfamiliar words without breaking your study flow.
Interactive Learning with Technology
Music, animations, movies, and voice explanations can all be used in an e-book learning module. The video can be paused and reviewed so that students can see it again. Animations are more engaging and interesting, as well as having a higher retention value. Annotations, pen tools, page zoom, search option, read aloud, and other interactive benefits of e-book reading devices.
The benefit of watching video is that it aids in the retention of information for a longer period than reading the same information. As a result, several educational institutions are including movies in e-books to keep students interested in the topic.
Ease of Updating
This is one of the unbeatable benefits of e-books. Traditional paperback volumes would need to be reprinted if there was any new content that needed to be added to the syllabus. However, with e-books, all of the learning content is kept in the cloud. You can make modifications to your e-books at any time, and the changes will appear in all of them. As a result, you can always ensure that your pupils have the most up-to-date material with them.
E-book formats
They come in several formats for an e-book; some are platform or device-specific, while others are not. Users can alter text styles, font sizes, and colors in HTML or text-based e-books, which are ready to use in regular browsers. If you’re using HTML or text, you’ll be able to search within the book, as well as copy and paste the selected text into other applications.
Adobe PDF e-books may be viewed and printed on most operating systems, including Macintosh and Windows which adds to another benefit of e-books. Page navigation, numerous viewing choices, bookmarking, and searching are all possible with the PDF format. The Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) is widely regarded as a global standard for electronic distribution since PDF files are small and can be readily shared, viewed, navigated, and printed using Adobe Acrobat or other PDF readers.
The use of e-books in the classroom has improved the learning experience. It has made learning a pleasurable and enriching experience. Between 2010 and 2012, the percentage of children who have read an e-book increased from 25% to 46%. Students no longer dread carrying a stack of books and sitting through hours of lectures where they only pay half attention to what is being taught and this is the biggest benefit of e-books.
E-books allow students to actively engage with the learning content through the use of movies, animations, augmented reality, changing displays, taking notes, and other methods. In addition to improving academic achievement, digital books provide students with an enhanced learning experience.
DAN Institute provides a variety of e-books to let you learn about a variety of topics while simultaneously reading books. Make use of them and begin reading e-books right away!